open meeting 06 - announcement


Announcing - "Open Data with DataMade"  a discussion led by Derek Eder onWednesday August 6th at 6pm at the AIA:Chicago Office.(35 E. Upper Wacker Dr., Suite 250, Chicago, IL 60601)//about the eventDerek has been building websites in Chicago since 2005. He is the owner of DataMade, an open government and open data web consulting company, co-founder of Open City, a collective that makes civic apps with open data, and organizer for the Open Gov Hack Night, a weekly event for building civic technology with open data. He has collaborated on over a dozen open source civic apps including 2nd City ZoningChicago LobbyistsLook at CookChicago Councilmatic and Dedupederek


open meeting 06 - open data with DataMade


open meeting 05 - market driven design analysis